
Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Fraction summary

Over the last 3 working school weeks we have been learning a lot about Fractions. The types of fractions we have been learning about are Simplifying, Equivalent, Fractions of Amounts, Mixed and Improper fractions, Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. The one I found the easiest was Simplifying and the one I found the hardest was the Fractions of amounts.

  • I will give you an example; Simplifying- 20 Apples had to be divided evenly between 4 people. Your friend had 40 lollies and had to be evenly divided by 4 people. How many lollies and apples do they get each?
  • Answer:
Because there are 4 people, you can easily divide 20 by 4; So, the 20 can be divided by 4 which equals 5. And if you want to try and be clever you can say 20 can be divided by 5 which equals 4. (Same with the 40)

Answer with the 40 (if you are really smart is 5!). Because if you know your times tables, you can instantly say that you got 5. (Same with the 20)

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